NK-401 Összbéta Mérő Rendszer

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Basic Information:

Product type:

Detection, Identification and Monitoring (DIM)

Targeted Disaster:

Prevention, Adaptation/Learning

Targeted Hazard:

Radiological, Nuclear

Targeted DRR Stage:

Prevention, Adaptation/Learning

Complied Standard:

ISO 9001:2015 certificate, AQAP 2110 certificate, Conformity of Production of vehicles (COP), Activity license for the production of defense-related goods, performing defense-related services, foreign trading of defense-related goods or services, Accreditation certificate for gas detector calibration laboratory, Secondary verification authorization for dosimeters for radiation protection and radioactive surface contamination meters, Operating license for isotope laboratory for calibration, Certificate of maintenance and repair of measuring equipment and devices of ABOS 3 safety class in radiation protection control systems at Paks NPP NCAGE Code


GAMMA Technical Corporation

Language of manuals:

Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian

Made in:


obligation/dependency required to use:

Research, environment monitoring

Maximum supply:

Research, environment monitoring


Research, environment monitoring


RENDELTETÉS Anyagminták béta aktivitásának meghatározása Bepárolt vízminták, hamvasztott növényi és állati eredetű minták radioaktív koncentrációjának meghatározása A rendszer lehetőséget nyújt egyidejű gamma spektrometriára JELLEMZŐK NDI-65/50 intelligens szcintillációs detektor elalakdiszkriminációs háttércsökkentéssel NZ-305 moduláris felépítésű ólomtorony 50mm átmérőjű, 2mm mély mintatartó tálka PC alapú számítógépes mérőrendszer MultiACT szoftvercsomaggal Az NK-401 összbéta mérő rendszer gyári beállítása K 40 természetes radioaktív sugárzására történik. A helyszínen történt háttérmérés értékével automatikus háttérlevonás állítható be. A számítógépes mérőprogrammal az egyedi igényeknek megfelelően újrakalibrálható. Beállítható a mérni kíván izotóphoz optimálisan az intelligens szcintillációs detektor nagyfeszültsége, diszkriminációs szintje, a jelalak-diszkriminációs háttérlevonás paraméterei, a mérési idő és az izotópokhoz tartozó hatásfok. A beállításokhoz opcionálisan OMH kalibráló források is rendelhetők. NK-401 Total Beta Measuring System ORDER Determination of beta activity of material samples Determination of the radioactive concentration of vaporized water samples, cremated plant and animal samples The system offers the possibility of simultaneous gamma spectrometry CHARACTERISTICS NDI-65/50 intelligent scintillation detector with shape discrimination background reduction NZ-305 modular construction lead tower 50mm diameter, 2mm deep sample tray PC-based computerized measurement system with MultiACT software package The NK-401 total beta measurement system is factory-set for natural radioactive radiation of K 40. Automatic background subtraction can be set using the value of the background measurement performed on site. It can be recalibrated according to individual needs with the computerized measuring program. The high voltage of the intelligent scintillation detector, the discrimination level, the parameters of the background subtraction for signal shape discrimination, the measurement time and the efficiency of the isotopes can be optimally set for the isotope to be measured. Optionally, OMH calibration sources can be assigned to the settings.


Delivery & Further options:

Available to ship to:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Canada, USA, Brasilia, Chile, Argentina, Norway, England, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia

Contact Information:

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Contact phone:

+36 1 205 5771

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